Hair Removal Products
CategoriesEquipment Cleaner(3)Hair Growth Inhibitors(5)Hair Removal Preparation(7)Post Hair Removal(18)PricePrice:—
Folisan is the most effective treatment to prevent folliculitis. It prevents the formation of ingrown hairs and irritation as a result of hair removal (from the root or shaven). Gently exfoliates and allows the hair to break through the skin without obstruction. It also moisturises the skin. Perfect for bikini…
These vials enhance the anti-keratinisation process, i.e., they weaken the hair, decrease its thickness and slow down growth thanks to the Papaya and Vitamin E present in their formula. They also moisturise the skin. Gold Concentrate is applied immediately after waxing, when the pores are opened, in a circular massaging…
These vials enhance the anti-keratinisation process, i.e., they weaken the hair, decrease its thickness and slow down growth thanks to the Papaya and Vitamin E present in their formula. They also moisturise the skin. Gold Concentrate is applied immediately after waxing, when the pores are opened, in a circular massaging…