Extreme Colored Dip Powder Top Coat .5oz. This Extreme Top Coat is a Clear Top Coat, and is used for going over the Colored Powder. Once you have finished appling your colored powder, file it to smooth the nail and then apply this clear top coat. The color powder will…
Extreme Metallic Silver Color Dipping Powder 1 oz. This new Metallic Silver powder looks great with a high glitter shine. You will be amazed by the look of thie silver powder. This powder also has the same strenght as our other powders. It last longer than traditional nail polish.
Extreme Red Color Dipping Powders 1 oz. This new color powder is perfect for doing the whole nail or just the tips. Use this color dipping powders rather than nail polish, it holds up better and last longer.
Extreme Fluorescent Magenta Color Dipping Powder 1 oz. This new color powder is perfect for doing the tips of your nails, or the whole nail. Use our Color dip powders rather than traditional nail polish, it holds up better and lasts longer.