Manicure & Pedicure Products
CategoriesCreams & Lotions(97)Oils(10)Pedicure Gels(2)Salts(2)Scrubs(59)Soaks(30)Treatments(81)Pedicure Treatments(54)Callus Remover(19)Manicure Treatments(29)PricePrice:$1—$210
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Delicate micro spheres filled with Jojoba Oil combined with Celldetox remove impurities, effectively exfoliating the skin surface to discover a softer skin. Skin free of impurities, softer and more luminous. Stimulates the epidermis regeneration and safeguards its vital functions. Improves the intra cellular water storage. Main ingredients: Jojoba microspheres, Celldetox,…
Salon bowl with 20 disposable liners: This product was created for a multitude of uses including hygienic manicures in nail salons or mixing color in hair salons. It has everything to ensure the safest and most sanitary conditions for your customers. Just throw out the used liner after each client and…